Your driving score is calculated using the many variables that are displayed on your score page. You can see the following information by clicking on the lightbulb icon beside each individual score.
Acceleration: Keep your acceleration under control by applying the gas pedal smoothly, steadily and slowly. Apply gradual and smooth pressure to the gas pedal when you start moving again after being stopped at an intersection, traffic light or traffic control sign.
Brake: Aggressive braking will negatively affect your brake score. Watch for the timing indicators on traffic lights and at intersections to avoid aggressive braking before a light changes. Leave enough following space between yourself and the vehicle in front of you to avoid harsh braking if they slow down unexpectedly.
Cornering: To improve your cornering score, adjust your speed when driving around curves or taking corners. Follow signs to reduce your speed through curves and turns to avoid taking the corner too rapidly.
Steadiness: To improve your steadiness score, continuously monitor the flow of traffic surrounding you. You should be able to anticipate if the cars in front of you are changing speeds. Keep a safe following distance to ensure you won't have to slam on the breaks often or suddenly. Also, focus on adjusting your speed as you merge to prevent aggressive speed changes to fit into the flow of traffic.
Swerve: Improve your swerve score by ensuring that the road is clear and there is adequate space before changing lanes. You shouldn't have to aggressively speed up or slow down when changing lanes smoothly. Stay focused on the road ahead of you to anticipate any potholes, puddles, debris or animals on the road to avoid last minute swerving.
Phone: To improve your phone score, ensure you are not texting or using your phone while you drive. This includes picking up your phone or fiddling around with it to perform activities such as taking calls or changing the music. If you use a map application to navigate, start the map directions and then try securing the device in a stationary stand so you don't need to touch the phone. Lastly, make sure your phone is secure before driving in a place like a cupholder or pocket. Safe Roads Challenge detects movement of the phone so if the phone slides around on a seat or is nudged/falls while turning corners, hitting potholes, etc., it is possible the app may detect a "distraction".
Speed: To help improve your speeding score, stay within the speed limit and take note of any signs that indicate the speed limit is changing. Try to observe if you are driving faster than the flow of traffic around you.
Eco: As the eco score is affected by the speeding and acceleration scores, an increase to your score in these areas will help to improve the eco score as well. Aggressive speeding and acceleration negatively impacts your fuel consumption as you burn more fuel and wear out your tires and engine more quickly. Aggressively accelerating from traffic lights can increase your fuel consumption up to 37%.
Focus: As the focus score is affected by the phone usage, swerve and steadiness scores, an increase to your score in any of these areas will increase your focus score as well. To improve your focus score, pay attention to the road to ensure that you have enough of a reaction time buffer to deal with various driving situations that may unexpectedly occur.
Handling: As the handling score is affected by the brake, swerve, cornering and steadiness scores, an increase in your voluntary choices like how smoothly and calmly you handle the vehicle will help to increase your overall handling score.
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